In his paper presented at the 2012 Canadian Cardiovascular
Congress Dr. Andrew Krahn showed that in Ontario in 2008 almost 200 young
people, under age 40, died suddenly from cardiac arrest resulting from an
underlying Inherited Heart Rhythm Disorder (IHRD). These numbers are consistent
with the reported incidence of sudden unexplained death amongst otherwise
healthy young people from other countries and jurisdictions around the world.
These numbers suggest that taken together the group of heart arrhythmias known
as IHRD’s may be the leading medical cause of death in the paediatric
population in developed countries.
The challenge in reducing the toll that these diseases take
is that in most cases the patient is otherwise healthy making identifying at
risk patients difficult. For roughly half of the young people that die from an
IHRD related cardiac arrest the first indicator of the disease is death. Of the
other half many present with warning signs in the weeks or months prior to
their death. The most obvious warning sign is fainting (syncope) others
include; palpations, racing heart, extreme shortness of breath, brown outs, and
dizziness; with any of these episodes being triggered by physical activity,
emotional distress, excitement, auditory startle or no obvious trigger.
Two strategies for identifying at risk individuals and
protecting them from cardiac arrest are;
Raising awareness of the warning signs of IHRD’s
and encouraging parents, educators and minor sport officials to be diligent in
following-up on syncope and other warning signs with a knowledgeable physician.
This approach can be very effective for diagnosing disease in the half of the affected
population that exhibit warning signs.
Screening programs which include a pre-participation
screening questionnaire and a resting ECG. This option is the most cost
effective method for identifying patients in the half of the affected
population that present with no obvious symptoms of disease.
Note: Most IHRD’s are heritable diseases transmitted by an
autosomal dominant gene. Therefore the yield from any awareness or screening
programs must be far greater than the total number of index patients
identified. Dr. Joel Kirsh, Sick Kids, Toronto, suggests that he typically
identifies five or six first degree relatives in addition to the index patient.
Once diagnosed, most patients with an IHRD can expect to
live a long and productive life. Excellent prophylaxis from lethal
tachyarrhythmia can be provided by implantable devices, pharmaceuticals,
surgical procedures, lifestyle modification or a combination of the above.
PACED - Parents
Advocating for Cardiac Education
PACED (Parents Advocating for Cardiac Education) is loosely structured
group of families affected by IHRD’s advocating for greater awareness and
identification of these diseases. PACED calls upon a number of cardiologists
and electrophysiologists to advise us on how best to direct our efforts. To date those efforts have been focused in
two areas;
Putting on seminars in our communities to
educate; primary care physicians, educators, sport officials on understanding
these diseases with a focus on recognizing the warning signs and responding to
Developing and advocating for Bill 81, The Inherited Heart Rhythm
Disorder Awareness Act, 2012. This legislation unanimously passed
second reading in the Ontario Legislature and unfortunately died on the order
paper when the provincial parliament was prorogued in October 2012. The bill
would have been the first in Canada and the second in North America
(Pennsylvania) to address awareness of IHRD’s
A Proposal for Finding Children Living with an IHRD
PACED is interested in implementing both an awareness and
screening campaign running concurrently within a defined geography. One
jurisdiction which we feel would be an ideal incubator for IHRD awareness is
the Hamilton/Niagara/Haldimand/Brant LHIN (Local Health Integration Network).
This LHIN features a manageable, yet statistically significant population, a
respected teaching hospital and Children’s Hospital at McMaster University, a
Cardiac Imaging Technicians program at Mohawk College and a number of
organizations such as Heart Niagara that may be supportive of the initiative.
Equally important is potential for
researchers from McMaster Children’s Hospital and McMaster University to become
involved should one of the objectives be publication. By working with
stakeholders in a defined region we hope to be able to produce measurable and
quantifiable change in the recognition of IHRD’s and the prevention of
paediatric sudden cardiac death.
The Awareness
Over a decade of working to raise awareness of IHRD’s we
have identified three key target audiences that need to hear and act on the
awareness message
Primary Care Physicians. Much of the current
understanding of IHRD’s has come about in this century with the first genes
connected to Long QT being identified in 1995-96. Awareness campaigns are
designed to have parents take their children to see a Family or ER physician
anytime warning signs are observed. It is therefore critical to the success of
a campaign that these key partners are equipped with the latest knowledge and
tools for diagnosing and managing these patients
Community Leaders in Education and Sport. The
efficacy of an awareness campaign is contingent upon post syncope patients
being seen by a physician. School Board Directors of Education and
Superintendents and Minor Sport Organization Executives and Directors have the
authority to mandate medical follow-up for all syncope and other warning signs.
They also have the authority to implement and enforce return to play policies
for post syncopal children. In our experience most are willing to do so once
they understand what is at stake.
Parents, Teachers and Coaches. Everyone that
spends time with young people needs to know the warning sign and be prepared to
either get the patient to a physician or advise a parent or guardian of the
importance of doing so.
There is a vast array of communication options available to
assist in spreading the IHRD awareness message to the target audiences. It may
seem a little old fashioned, but bringing target audiences together for a brief
(one to three hour) seminar with information delivered by Electrophysiologists
and other subject matter experts and with ample time for dialogue, is still
highly effective. A series of a dozen or more seminars, with three
or four aimed at each target audience, would be the cornerstone of an awareness
This information could be supported and enhanced by
development of a teaching video and other on-line tools. Stakeholder
organizations could provide links to this information on their respective
websites and direct members with questions or concerns to the online material.
Another longstanding vision of PACED is funding for a traditional electronic
media (television and radio) public service announcement (PSA) campaign.
The messaging in the awareness campaign will be designed to
initially steer at risk children to their family physician and ultimately to
the regional centre of excellence for paediatric cardiology where a
comprehensive work-up and definitive diagnosis will be completed. A few of the
measurable outcomes of this initiative will include:
An increase in the number of patients being appropriately
referred to the regional centre of excellence.
A decrease in the number of patients being
inappropriately referred.
An increase in the diagnosis of IHRD’s in the
regions paediatric population
A decrease in incidence of sudden cardiac arrest
in the paediatric population
A Canadian Pilot in
ECG Screening
There is a worldwide movement toward ECG screening for
teenagers, especially competitive athletes, for the purpose of identifying
underlying heart rhythm disorders including both cardiomyopathies and
channelopathies. To date we are unaware of any ECG screening projects conducted
in Canada. It would be instructive to complete a pilot that includes enough
subjects to give the study horsepower, a minimum of 1,000 and perhaps even
double that number. From the very beginning we wish to state that we would want
no more than one third of study participants to be competitive athletes.
Genetic diseases do not recognize athletic ability and will visit any child
without discrimination.
The most referenced screening program was completed in
northern Italy and attributes an 89% decrease in sudden cardiac arrest deaths
amongst competitive athletes in the region to a comprehensive screening
program. A more recent and equally compelling study from Switzerland was
presented at the 2012 ESC Congress in Munich. The study found 1:250 athletes
screened ultimately received a diagnosis of a potentially lethal heart
In order to simplify the inclusion process we propose that
study be conducted with subjects that have attained the age of majority. A university
would be an ideal place to complete the study. The magnitude and the endpoints
for a screening program would be determined by funding levels and in-kind
contributions. The barrier that we have encountered when proposing ECG
screening programs in Canada has been finding qualified Cardiologists willing
and/or able to read the ECG’s. Many screening programs in the US and UK have
cardiologists that donate their time to the program.
Both of the programs outlined above could be completed as
research projects with publication being a core objective or they could be done
simply as community awareness and screening programs. The first option would
give the programs far greater credibility. The second option would allow for
faster, lower cost implementation and perhaps a greater reach at the grassroots
level. In either case children and families affected by IHRD’s will be
The prevalence of IHRD’s is debated amongst
Electrophysiologists with numbers above and below a rough mean of 1 in 500
being commonly used. If we use the mean it suggests that there are 28,000
Canadians under the age of 35 living with an IHRD. There are likely two students in every
typical Ontario High School living with an IHRD. Identifying these children and
their affected family members and getting them the treatment that they require
is the endpoint of this proposal.
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