Will Hamilton Wentworth District School Board choose Style over Substance ?
Dear HWDSB Trustees, I am sure you are all aware that at this time the
School Council at George R. Allan Elementary School is diligently exploring
every possible funding option to raise the $150,000 required to replace the
school playground which will be lost during the upcoming construction. In fact
the Council is considering a $10,000 purchase of architectural drawings
a requirement of a number of grant
applications including the AVIVA grant. HWDSB has it made clear to School
Council that there is no money in the construction budget to pay for replacing
the playground and that cost must be borne by the school community.
The lack of available funds for playground equipment begs the question - If
there is no money for playground equipment, where is the money coming from to
pay for a name change? The obvious follow-up question is - What will the name
change cost? The third question would be - Is an expensive and unnecessary name
change an appropriate use of scarce dollars?
It is hard to imagine that a name change will cost less than $100,000 by
the time legal costs, document costs, clerical expenses, signage and
construction (including defacing the facade of one of west Hamilton’s most
venerable buildings) and a myriad of other incurred costs and expenses are added up - name
changes tend to be a little bit like renovating an old house, full of hidden and
unexpected costs.
In the current tight economic climate, where School Boards spend a
preponderance of time contemplating resource allocation, it seems irresponsible
to even consider taking on this unnecessary expense. An old shipping container
with a cardboard sign proclaiming “School” can be a wonderful place of learning
but absent play, physical activity and physical wellbeing effective learning
cannot take place - the evidence that supports this simple truth is
unequivocal. It is an interesting coincidence
that internationally recognized research into the linkages between physical
activity and learning is being led by a parent that has three children attending
G.R. Allan.
Perhaps HWDSB would consider forgoing the optional name change of G.R.
Allan Elementary School and commit the funds that would have been spent on a
name change to the fundraising initiative for the new playground. Given that
money is not available to pay for all of the items on everyone's wish list this
option represents the best possible outcome for our children. Realizing the full potential of every child must remain
of primary importance in all of our efforts. Prioritizing the funding for renaming a school versus providing appropriate and safe play space should be a straightforward decision for duly elected Trustees.
Should you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to
contact me directly by e-mail
Best Regards, Blake
Blake Hurst
Hamilton ON
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